Family details.......Justin is 7 and has been fortunate to live in the age of Goodnites: nighttime underpants. Not too long ago any child with an inability to hold their pee-pee all through the night would wake up soaked, causing mountains of laundry.........
Now we are living in Europe and my supply of Goodnites was getting low. I checked every supermarket I entered for the first several weeks - no Goodnites, maybe some Pull-ups, but even those were rare (and too small). In my final act of frustration, I looked up the Kimberly-Clark Worldwide website, got the phone number in the Czech Republic and called them from my computer via Skype. I was happy to get an English speaking representative on the line and was told the Goodnites would be availabe at Tesco or any pharmacy. I took one more trip to a pharmacy and even found an English speaker! She told me she would call her distributor and have some brought in. Nice try, and I certainly appreciated her effort on our behalf, but all they could find was an XL size diaper - "those will surely work for the young man". Need I say more to any of you who have been through this?
The story brightens considerably for this mom, as I was anticipating Trouble, with a capital T for my future particularly with my tiny washer and no dryer.
A fellow ex-pat offered to show me around the grocery store before we had lunch one day. We looked through dairy products, meat, then laundry soap-- one more check for Goodnites and I asked in despair: what will I do without these for my son? My new friend then told me that their son JUST went through the same issue. They even had some extra Goodnites that were not needed anymore. A provision straight from Heaven! Next we talked about their success with using an attachable nighttime alarm to wake the child (usually a deep sleeper). A sensor attaches to the underpants and an alarm is attached with a cord (like a phone cord) to the alarm unit that pins to the pajama top. One drop of wetness will trigger the alarm. There are instructions for parental support and a chart to monitor progress. The process takes varying amounts of time, but we are amazed and happy with the results we are seeing, even after only two weeks.
I'll put a link in this posting for anyone who wants to check this out. I am fascinated that the brain and body can be trained in this way. So that's my product endorsement for this edition of our blog!